Reč je o neologizmima koje su skovali ljudi u Americi preko Urbanog Rečnika (Urban Dictionary). Neke od njih je preneo portal BuzzFeed.
Ambitchous – striving to be more of a bitch than the average bitch
Errorist – someone who repeatedly makes mistakes, or is always wrong.
Carcolepsy – condition where a passenger falls asleep as soon as the car starts moving
Textpectation – the ancipation felt when waiting for a response to a text.
Youniverse – use to indicate that a person has a knowledge of him or herself; their universe consists only of them.
Bedgasm – a feeling of euphoria experienced when climbing into bed at the end of a very long day.
Nonversation – a completely worthless conversation.
Cellfish – an individual who continues talking on their phone so as to be rude or incosiderate of other people.
Unkeyboardinated – when you are unable to type without repeatedly making mistakes.
Dudevorce – when to brothers officialy end their friendship.
Askhole – someone who asks many stupid, pointless questions.
Internest – the cocoon of blankets and pillows you gather around yourself whilst spending long periods of time on the internet.
Afterclap – the last person who claps after everyone else has stopped.
Chairdrobe – piling clothes on a chair in place of a closet or dresser.
Nomonym – a food that tastes like another food.